Lime behind row of Horse Chestnuts in centre over from central Weeping Ash
Lime behind row of Horse Chestnuts – 6609 – over from central Weeping Ash

Lime (Tilia × europaea). The common lime tree, also known as the linden or basswood, has roots that extend back to medieval times when it was considered the tree of lovers. Herbal remedies and many common household items are produced from the common lime tree. It also has a history of use in the landscape. Tilia is a genus that includes about 30 species of trees native to the Northern Hemisphere, with the largest diversity found in Asia. Common lime is known as linden in Europe and basswood in the United States.Common lime can grow 130 feet tall and typically lives to 500 years old. The large, dark green, heart-shaped leaves make it a popular shade tree. Unfortunately, it produces a sugary secretion that makes it attractive to many insects. The tree produces small, sweetly scented white flowers in June and July. The nutlike fruit, the size of a pea, hangs on the tree in small clusters that are shed in October. The bark is dull gray when the tree is young, turning brownish-gray when mature. The tree can be propagated from cuttings or seeds. (Source:

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Areas around Quad where trees are identified.
Areas around Quad where trees are identified.

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