NUI, Galway Quad TreesĀ 

Welcome to the NUI, Galway tree website. Here, you can find out about trees located within the perimeter of the University Quad.

Over 100 trees have been labelled with QR codes and there is an individual webpage devoted to each tree. Browse the Maps or Lists menus to locate specific trees.

If you are the owner of a smart phone, you can use your phone to access detailed information about any tree you spot while walking around. The QR code will take you to a gallery of photographs where you can see the tree’s colour, seeds and fruits at various times of the year.


Watch a video of a launch of the QR Tree Project during Summer 2013.

Video of QR Tree Project Launch Day
Video of QR Tree Project Launch Day

QR Codes in Action; Youtube video on QR Tree Project

QR Tree Project Youtube Video
NUIG Quad QR Tree Project

*QR code readers are available free to download on all smart phones. Check out where you download apps: iTunes on Apple devices and Market or Play Store on Android phones.

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