Monkey Puzzle or Chile Pine Araucaria araucana. Another distinctive tree with a straight bole, grey wrinkled bark, upswept or drooping at the extremities of the horizontal branches. Stiff overlapping spine-like dark green leaves are wrapped around the shoot. First introduced into cultivation by Archibald Menzies in 1795, this conifer is native to Chile and Argentina. It was often planted in gardens 100 years. (Source: Dr Mary Forrest, UCD).
Monkey Puzzle, January
Monkey Puzzle, January
Monkey Puzzle, April
Monkey Puzzle, April
Monkey Puzzle, April
Monkey Puzzle, April
Monkey Puzzle, May
Monkey Puzzle, May
Monkey Puzzle, June
Monkey Puzzle, June
Monkey Puzzle, June
Monkey Puzzle, June
Monkey Puzzle, June
Monkey Puzzle, June
Monkey Puzzle, July
Monkey Puzzle, July
Monkey Puzzle, July
Monkey Puzzle, July
Monkey Puzzle, September
Monkey Puzzle, September
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Link: Biodiversity Warriors
Link: TCPermaculture
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