Copper or Purple Beech Fagus sylvatica ‘Purpurea’ 6633 17 m This large tree with a smooth grey trunk is long lived. It is deciduous with entire elliptic shaped leaves, in this case with a purple colour. Beech seed, known as mast, is produced in some years and seed is sometimes seen on Copper Beech. While purple leaved shrubs are common, Copper Beech is the largest growing purple leaved tree and is often seen as a parkland tree in estates (Dr Mary Forrest, UCD)
Cooper Beech, January
Cooper Beech, January
Cooper Beech, January
Cooper Beech, January
Cooper Beech, March
Cooper Beech, March
Cooper Beech, March
Cooper Beech, March
Cooper Beech, April
Cooper Beech, April
Cooper Beech, April
Cooper Beech, April
Cooper Beech, April
Cooper Beech, April
Cooper Beech, June
Cooper Beech, June
Cooper Beech, June
Cooper Beech, June
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, September
Cooper Beech, October
Cooper Beech, October
Cooper Beech, October
Cooper Beech, October
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Link: Google Images
Link: Kew Gardens
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