Cherry Tree, (Prunus avium), it can also be called wild cherry, sweet cherry, bird cherry, or gean, is a species of cherry native to Europe, western Turkey, northwestern Africa, and western Asia, from the British Isles south to Morocco and Tunisia, north to theTrondheimsfjord region in Norway and east to the Caucasus and northern Iran, with a small disjunct population in the westernHimalaya. This species, in the rose family (Rosaceae), has a diploid set of sixteen chromosomes All parts of the plant except for the ripe fruit are slightly toxic, containing cyanogenic glycosides. Source: Wikipedia.
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, March
Cherry, April
Cherry, April
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, May
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Cherry, June
Link: Wikipedia
Link: Google Images
Link: Kew Gardens
Interactive Map