Bhutan Pine Pinus wallichiana. This pine native to Afghanistan to Nepal was introduced into cultivation in 1823. This specimen was planted in the 1980’s and has developed into a wide spreading elegant tree and one of the most impressive trees on the NUIG campus. The pine needles are held in clusters of 5 and are 18 – 20cm long. The bluish green colour on the outer surface and blue white on the inner surface of the cluster are striking when lit by rays of sunshine. (Source: Dr Mary Forrest, UCD).
Bhutan Pine, January
Bhutan Pine, January
Bhutan Pine, January
Bhutan Pine, January
Bhutan Pine, March
Bhutan Pine, March
Bhutan Pine, March
Bhutan Pine, March
Bhutan Pine, March
Bhutan Pine, March
Bhutan Pine, April
Bhutan Pine, April
Bhutan Pine, May
Bhutan Pine, May
Bhutan Pine, May
Bhutan Pine, May
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, June
Bhutan Pine, September
Bhutan Pine, September
Bhutan Pine, October
Bhutan Pine, October
Bhutan Pine, October
Bhutan Pine, October
Bhutan Pine, October
Bhutan Pine, October
Link: Wikipedia
Link: Google Images
Link: Royal Horticultural Society, UK
Link: North Carolina State University: catelogue of trees: Bhutan Pine
Link: Google Streetview
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