Small Cherry Tree Small Flowering Cherry Tree (Prunus Cerasifera Hessei). (TBA – not sure Latin name for this tree is correct ) A lovely small garden tree, the Hessei is a popular choice for a small garden. The tree itself is slightly lollypop shaped with a clear, straight stem and a bushy head. In March the branches are smothered in white flowers sometimes with a pink tinge to the edges. The foliage of this small flowering cherry tree is equally as attractive as the flowers. Leaves begin a bright green turning darker with a slightly variegated, irregular, mottled edge of pink, white and purple. The red, purple and yellow autumn colour is also a great treat. Popular with wildlife for its flowers this small tree will grow to just 2 x 2 meters in 20 years and is suited to most except wet or very shallow chalky soils. (Source:
Link: Wikipedia
Link: Google Images
Link: Kew Gardens
Link: North Carolina State University: catelogue of trees:
Link: Keele University, UK Plant directory
Link: Video of Wild Cherry on Youtube
Link: Google Streetview