Norway Spruce (Picea abies) Many conifers have attractive flaking bark and Norway Spruce is one example. The needle-like leaves are dark green with a pointed tip. Each individual leaf is attached to the stem by a tiny peg. The cones, often seen towards the top of the tree, are pendulous. Native to Europe, it was commonly grown as a Christmas tree but has been replaced in recent years by Noble Fir Abies procera. (Source: Dr Mary Forrest, UCD).
Norway Spruce, March
Norway Spruce, March
Norway Spruce, March
Norway Spruce, March
Norway Spruce, April
Norway Spruce, April
Norway Spruce, April
Norway Spruce, April
Norway Spruce, May
Norway Spruce, May
Norway Spruce, June
Norway Spruce, June
Norway Spruce, June
Norway Spruce, June
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, July
Norway Spruce, September
Norway Spruce, September
Link: Wikipedia
Link: Google Images
Link: National Christmas Tree Assocation Education Section
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